Present: Jasmin (Friends of Marcus Garvey Library), Dave (Friends of Lordship Rec, and Haringey Solidarity Group), Shirley  (Member of Wards Corner Community Coalition), Michael (Member of Hermitage and New River Residents Association, of the Stadium Slopes Protection Society, and of the London Just Space network), Sue (Member of Wards Corner Community Coalition), Martin (Friends of Down Lane Park)     Apologies: Myfanwy (Member of the N15 Development Trust), Pamela (Sustainable Haringey network), Paul (Haringey Defend Council Housing), Joanna (Weir Hall Rd Community Open Space)

Note – this was the first minuted coordination meeting for a few months, with many of the regular OT activists focusing on Love Lane and Wards Corner activities..

Wards Corner   

The developer Grainger recently pulled out of the development agreement and the N15 development Trust is running a series of workshops to develop the Community Benefit Society to restore and manage the Wards building democratically – in line with the Community Plan. The trust has secured detailed financial modelling of the plan to show its viability, has secured some funding from the Mayor of London/CoopsUK Boosting Community Business Programme. The first of a series of online workshops for local residents, businesses and market and town centre users to shape the CBS has just taken place (23 attended). Flyers are available to invite people to the next 2 workshops on 13/10 and 20/10. Volunteers are being sought to help leaflet. The current Council cabinet supports these plans which include a temporary market until the market reopens in the restored building. There are differences of opinion between some of the traders who want the Council to take over the project. Everyone is encouraged to attend the workshops and join the Wards Corner Coalition of local residents and traders as well as the Community Benefit Society. Details of the workshops have already been sent out.

St Anns Redevelopment Trust (StART) 

Held a successful AGM attended by over 70 members. They are focussing on setting up a Community Land Trust, may take on management of 50 of the homes, and are pressing developer to keep social housing element of the scheme. There is now a very active St Ann’s Green Open Spaces Group – they are working closely with an NHS workers group at the site to protect, enhance and improve the usage of the site’s green spaces.

Love Lane 

The Council organised a ballot on demolition/re-build proposals, as per policy of Mayor of London. The Temporary Accommodation Group of residents called for a written guarantee from the Council that all on the estate could be rehoused in secure tenancies – this was not forthcoming, despite verbal promises, so they urged people to vote NO.* The Council pressurised estate residents (many who felt intimidated) sufficiently to get a narrow majority voting yes to demolition, 55 to 45%. Yet 30% didn’t vote and the Council has not secured an overall mandate from residents. But it is continuing to back the developer. Evidence was gathered during the ballot of harassment of residents and Haringey staff collecting ballot papers and getting people to vote on phone in front of them. Haringey Defend Council Housing activists supported the tenants during the vote and have made formal complaints, calling for an Inquiry and a re-ballot. Sian Berry, a GLA Assembly Member, has issued a press statement backing the call for an independent inquiry into the concerns raised. There was an excellent summary article in the Architects Journal. Meanwhile other tenant campaigns around London who have faced or are facing similar schemes and ballots are encouraged by the campaigning around Love Lane. So far the Council Cabinet are saying ‘nothing untoward to see here’ and hope to start in 2022 following the holding of a public Development Management Forum.      

* In the paper edition of Haringey People following the ballot, to be delivered to all Haringey homes, the Council does state: ‘All current tenants and those in temporary accommodation are guaranteed a high quality Council home at Council rents with a secure tenancy on the re-built estate’. But we understand that the Temporary Accommodation Group have been calling for written enforceable contracts stating this to be issued to all the temporary tenants, with the upgrading to permanent tenancies starting straight away.

Peacock Industrial Estate

The local businesses under threat distributed a leaflet during the Love Lane ballot stating their clear ‘Not for Sale’ position. This was delivered on the estate and was a poster displayed in shop windows. Their organisation, Tottenham Business Group, plan to resist any CPOs (Compulsory Purchase Orders).

Marcus Garvey Library 

At the last meeting of the Friends of Marcus Garvey Library on September 11th, we discussed how the Council has agreed that the ground floor of the library will be reconfigured; the children’s counter removed during the refurbishment would be reinstated; the light boxes would be removed to enable the available space to be more effectively utilised and the African Caribbean collection moved downstairs to become once against an integral part of the book collection and also more accessible. Professional library architects will be approached to draw up plans.  With regard to the Children’s Garden which backs onto the Green Precinct, the Chair has received an email from the Marcus Garvey library manager, asking for maintenance of the Children’s Garden to be discussed at our September 11th meeting. She had also left the plans (created by the Regeneration Team) to be discussed by the Friends at the reception desk.  The current situation is that the maintenance of the garden is to be carried out by the private company for a year; but the Library Service want to know if the Friends will take it on after that. There was some discussion about this, as it was pointed out that the garden was part of the public realm and people wanted to know why the residents be asked to maintain the public realm instead of the Council. Also, other members of the group felt we needed more information. It was finally agreed that the Chair would invite the Library Manager to the next meeting on November 13th to discuss and interpret the plans which everyone agreed were unclear. 

Harringay/Hermitage area  

There are concerns with the scale and effect of some of the piecemeal but large scale redevelopment in and around the area. Also the need to improve connectivity for local people, whilst respecting community facilities.

Tottenham Hale  

The tower building continues all around the area, and a new 24-storey one might be coming to the corner of Hale Road. The trucks and the working hours continue to disturb residents and pedestrians.  The block on Ashley Road bought for £29.3m could have Council tenants by the end of this year. Haringey Council are buying 177 units on the Tottenham Hale Wharf site but are refusing to reveal the (expensive?) price. The Contracts Register reveals a £44.6m contract with developer Argent for Welbourne Tower (where the community centre was evicted and demolished). The Down Lane Park hub and café are concerned about private access routes affecting their site. Chesnuts Estate has had its adjacent narrow green space along its southern side built on. Also there’s a threat to build on an open area behind the police station in Ryecroft Way, which has provoked a local campaign. Down Lane Park, faced with thousands of new residents coming into the area, should clearly be being greatly expanded.

Tottenham High Road   

The Council has recent grant funding for much needed improvements in the Bruce Grove area. Many thought this was for rescuing the abandoned train station forecourt, but it turns out this cant be funded as its Transport for London land. Artistic installations are being promoted. There is a Pride In Bruce Grove drop-in event to get info and to discuss ideas and proposals with the project team in the alleyway by Scotland Green, N17 9TA (just outside the Bruce Grove area) on Wed 13th Oct.

Gourlay Triangle  

The Council are buying up properties in this industrial area full of local businesses alongside the Seven Sisters Road, aiming to advance a mixed development scheme. There are claims about creative industries and the Council are doing propaganda tours of the area to capture history. The reality seems to be they are trying to force certain businesses out. The major stumbling block is that most properties are outside Council ownership and the Wickes site is unlikely to be part of the plan as it recently had a major revamp.

Sustainable Haringey

Climate Emergency – There has been a flurry of local activities, events, lobbying and campaigning in the build up to the global Climate Conference in Glasgow at the end of October. This could be a last chance to reverse the catastrophic damage the world’s industrial systems are causing to our climate and to nature. This has included a Go Green week, a mass bikeride of 150 people of all ages, a 200-strong march along the North Circular to oppose the plans for the Edmonton Incinerator, a planned Friends of The Earth lobby of the Council on 12th October, the launch of an Enfield/Haringey COP26 Coalition the same evening, an international-themed event in Finsbury Park on 31st Oct, and a mass rally for the Climate outside the Civic Centre at 11am on Nov 6th (which will then go to join a huge planned march in Central London).

Our Tottenham website  

We agreed to make a £150 contribution to the costs of managing our website over the last few years. This will be from the OT money (£450) being held in the Haringey Federation of Residents Associations account for us. And a big thank you to our webperson.

Next meeting – In approximately a month’s time.

Massive Victory by the Wards Corner / Save Latin Village campaign – property developer pulls out of demolition plan

The property developer, Grainger, has pulled out of the Wards Corner / Market site and the council are at last giving their full support to the Community Plan!!
This is a huge victory against overwhelming odds, following 15 years of struggle – a victory not just for residents and traders but for anti-demolition and anti-gentrification campaigns across London.
The Development Trust are now calling on Sadiq Khan to move quickly to confirm his support for the plan and begin collaborating with the Trust and Haringey Council to implement its delivery.
Please help by retweeting this tweet, sharing Save Latin Village social media posts and spreading this message far and wide!!

Please also consider donating to the Trust –

Statement from the N15 Development Trust:

” We are excited to announce that following Grainger’s withdrawal from the Wards Corner site, Haringey Council have committed to working with us to implement the Community Plan! This is a major victory for the community – read our joint statement here: See also – Trust is ready to work with all parties to deliver the community plan and calls upon Sadiq Khan and Transport for London to collaborate with us in securing a future for the site which benefits everyone in Tottenham. We also reiterate our urgent call for financial support for affected traders.Grainger’s withdrawal marks the end of 15 years of neglect, fear and uncertainty for traders, residents and businesses. The Community Plan is a viable scheme which has already achieved planning permission – we hope to move as quickly as possible to restore the Wards buildings. “

Coordination Meeting 20th May 2021

Next Our Tottenham coordination meeting:   Thursday 17th June, 7.30pm by Zoom.

Our Tottenham Network  Report of Coordination Meeting – 20thMay 2021 [by zoom]

Present: Dave Morris (Friends of Lordship Rec / Haringey Community Centres Network) – facilitated, David King, Martin Ball (Friends of Down Lane Park), Paul Burham (Haringey Defend Council Housing), Pamela Harling (Sustainable Haringey/Wolves Lane) – took notes, Shirley Hanazawa (Wards Corner Community Coalition).      

Apologies: Mark Panton (Researcher), Jasmin Taylor (Marcus Garvey library)

Background: This was the first coordination meeting for a few months, so the aim was to focus on updates.

The main business of the previous meeting had been to discuss the Council’s proposed new Local Plan. David King sent a response to the initial consultation stressing the importance of socio-economic status as a metric for planning.  We are now expecting the report on the first consultation.  


1. Spurs developments at the Goods Yard and the Printworks. There is a dispute now between who develops these sites – the council or Spurs. There is a pre-application meeting for the planning permission on 25th May.  Link sent round. It is not clear what is happening on the Love Lane estate – is there still gong to be tenant’s ballot over demolition and rehousing proposals? The Temporary Accommodation tenants’ group is still active.  TAG to be asked to the next meeting.

Peacock Industrial Estate is still under pressure to sell out to the council, but campaigning for their own interests.

Spurs are looking to provide more housing and are proposing a tower block.  Northumberland Terrace is being refurbished.

There has been a change in leadership in the Council (new leader is Peray Ahmet).  Ruth Gordon takes on housing and John Bevan management of council housing. So there may be less sympathy for the Spurs plans?

The Spurs developments may squeeze the High Road West masterplan.

2. There is a crowdfund in process for ‘meanwhile’ use by the market activists of part of the Latin market at Wards Corner, since Apex House is no longer available as a temporary space.

3. St Ann’s. The Trust’s lobbying efforts continue. There is still concern that not enough social housing will be provided on site and that there will be higher rents for new build properties. It is still hoped that the council will build 200 houses at this site.

4. Broadwater Farm. 2 blocks are to be demolished for safety reasons. Tenure in the blocks is not always clear.  Compulsory purchase orders may be needed in the blocks to be demolished. Architects are consulting widely over replacement designs for the blocks and also how to develop various non-residential parts of the estate.

5. Bruce Grove low traffic neighbourhood consultation will take place next week with a series of virtual consultations. Comments can also be made on the website.

6. Libraries. Most are now open again.  The children’s garden planting at the back of Marcus Garvey is taking place.  The new screening looks nice.  There is support from Isadoros Diakides (one of the local councillors). 

7. There is money for the refurbishment of empty buildings in and around Tottenham High Rd. eg Luke Howard’s House, Palace Theatre, Youth Centre, loos at bottom of Bruce Grove.  What’s happening at Bruce Grove station?

Any Other Business     Dave stressed the growing outrage over current government proposals on changes to planning legislation which threatens to remove all community rights to challenge planning applications.  

Spurs: a couple of hundred of fans gathered outside the ground last Saturday to protest against the Club’s support for the ill-fated ‘European Super League’…
Next Our Tottenham coordination meeting:   Thursday 17th June, 7.30pm by Zoom.

For more minutes see documents tab

Coordination meeting 6th August 2020

Present: Dave Morris (Friends of Lordship Rec / Haringey Friends of Parks Forum / Haringey Community Centres Network) – facilitated, David King (St Ann’s Redevelopment Trust) – took notes, Martin Ball (Friends of Down Lane Park), Paul Burham (Haringey Defend Council Housing), Sue Levenson (Difficult Parent), Pamela Harling (Sustainable Haringey/Wolves Lane), Zeekos, Jasmin Taylor (Friends of Marcus Garvey Library), Moaz Nanjuwany (Hammonds Eye Practice / Tottenham Traders Partnership), Shirley Hanazawa (Wards Corner Community Coalition)      

Apologies: Emma (Tottenham Black Lives Matter), Mark Panton (Researcher)

Background: This was the first coordination meeting for around 6 months, so the aim was to focus on updates.

Local groups and campaigns reports 

David (StART): StART have been campaigning for many years for community control of the section of the huge St Ann’s Hospital development site which was being sold off – and for community-led policies on what goes on there. Eventually the GLA bought the site, and then put out a tender to find a developer last year. The GLA say they will announce the successful developer in September. The tender included a lot of what StART wanted but not all by any means. StART has its AGM coming up in September, there will be a consultation to help decide whether it will become an organisation that could manage the 50 ‘community led’ homes or focus on the site as a whole, or try to combine both aims. Don’t know yet what impact Covid will have on the viability of the development, but worries that it will mean less affordable homes.

Jasmin (MG Library): The group represents library users who have been campaigning to protect library facilities and services, including restoration of the children’s garden. The former manager has left – now have a new manager who is very experienced. Library had been shut down since the beginning of epidemic because the leisure centre (Fusion) was closed, leisure centre is still closed. Matt White is the councillor responsible. Fusion in financial trouble. Staff worried about their jobs.

Dave M (Parks): Lobbying council for more resources for parks. Earlier this year completed a 2,500-strong petition up which triggered a debate at full Council meeting – finally scheduled for July. Had a deputation of reps to the council – all Cllrs agreed with the deputation and aspirations but Council says it doesn’t have the money and is awaiting Government reimbursement for its extra work due to covid 19. 

Dave M (HCCN): After years of opposing Council policies to put up rents to market levels and only grant short leases, the HCCN has finally held constructive meetings with Council reps. The current Council is more supportive and has recognised the real value of this part of the community sector. But community centres now in financial crisis because of loss of takings during forced Covid-19 closure. LBH agreed to suspend rent payments. Irish Centre facing financial ruin and has closed despite a Save Our Centre petition. They’ve taken legal advice. Might the Irish Centre organisation move in with Selby Centre when its redeveloped (as part of the new Selby Village)? 

Dave says thanks to everyone who supported the fundraising crowdfunder appeals of Living Under One Sun (running cafe in Down Lane Park) and Lordship Hub – both raised over £30,000 to help towards their survival.

Moaz (TTP): Shops and restaurants reopening. Some businesses got grants, hardship grant closed today. Businesses with complex accounts didn’t get the grants.

Martin B (FODLP):  LUOS cafe/food growing project is now back open. Park now has three tennis courts but some nets in bad condition, and 5-a-side in bad condition. Some section 106 money from new development around the park but haven’t seen any of it yet… New build is encroaching on the edges of the park, extra pollution, traffic etc. Park is not under threat. Tottenham Hale lots of development both sides of Ashley Road. Historic White Hart Pub there has been demolished, despite campaign.

Sue Levenson (Difficult Parent): Blogs about children with special needs. Been in Lockdown since March. Support services have been ripped apart eg Hazelmere Centre has gone. LBH want to make £1m cuts from budget of £4m. No specific campaigning group but the Parent Carer Forum is no longer functioning due to lack of support from Council. Keep being told special changing facilities will be funded in 3 parks, but has been delayed. No consultation. 

Paul Burnham (HDCH): HDCH have been campaigning to support Council tenants for over 15 yrs, and have organised a number of lobbies and protests in the last 12 months. Context is the Government is opposed to Council housing, and now trying to get rid of planning controls, despite them already favouring developers. He reported campaigns against shocking ‘poor doors’ (separating luxury and social homes) in proposed developments in Wood Green, maybe more to come. A number of estate demolition threats, eg Raynard and Stokley estates, both have campaigns – the one in Muswell hill successful. 

A revised Haringey Local Plan will start being developed this autumn. LBH rent policy generally good but have begun to wobble, three developments now using GLA definition of social rent which is £60pw more expensive. The covid-19 evictions ban is being lifted on the 23rd August, meaning that landlords will be threatening mass evictions for people who haven’t been able to pay their rent. There will be protest action in London somewhere on that day demanding suspension of evictions.

Pamela H (Wolves Lane): Lots of activity at the community-run Wolves Lane food growing centre, plant sales and seed swaps. Has received more grants from National Lottery and thriving. Growing-In-Haringey network ticking over.

Shirley H (Wards Corner):  Market has been closed since March, causing problems for traders. Worries about the electric supply. Proposal for an open air market at the site, though shops in the parade are already open. The residents/traders’ own Community Plan is on hold after years of patient work and calls for Council support. Held a 100-strong protest recently, a combination of local traders and traders from Ridley Road Market. Apex House tower and shop fronts over the road nearing completion.

Planning policies / system       Discussion about whether council supports the community or has their own agenda? In any case, people in Tottenham need to organise, speak out and and represent ourselves. Fuller discussion at the next meeting and agreement on actions going forward. 

If the Haringey Local Plan is being revised we’ll have to engage with the process – but its a bit of a nightmare process for community groups to have any real influence. There’s a new London Plan awaiting implementation – however, ‘Just Space’, the community groups’ network to which we are affiliated is unhappy with the result (too pro-developer) and is calling for legal challenge on equalities grounds. The Government is unhappy with it too (not pro-developer enough) and in any case is threatening an overhaul of the whole planning system to remove what they call ‘red tape’ but which in fact means processes enabling community objections and input. Indications are that reforms will be even more pro-developer and more ‘deregulation’. 

Black Lives Matter movement     We noted the inspiring and widespread rise of this movement to challenge and end racism. Lots of local protests and mobilisations. 2000 joined local kids walk against racism. Council is calling for views on renaming streets and buildings etc which may celebrate people linked to slavery and other extreme oppression. 

There is a planned demo this Saturday at Tottenham Police Stn 1pm on the 9th anniversary of the police killing of Mark Duggan which had sparked Tottenham and nationwide protests and riots in 2011. We noted that as a result of those mobilisations a report was commissioned by the GLA on the supposed initial ‘causes’ in Tottenham which concluded there should be mass gentrification and the break-up of council housing in the area – this led to the Council’s obnoxious ‘Plan for Tottenham’, and the launch of the Our Tottenham network to fight for our communities’ interests.

Covid / Mutual Aid Groups movement     We also noted the rise of dozens of independent local Mutual Aid Groups set up by residents throughout Tottenham (and across the UK) to support each other and especially vulnerable people during the public health crisis. Hopes that many of these become ongoing community solidarity networks.

Next steps       We need to support current local groups and campaigns, develop solidarity and continue to build the Our Tottenham network.

Any Other Business      High Road West     It was reported that Tottenham Hotspur property arm was still buying up land to cash in on property development near the stadium. We noted the continuing excellent work by the Temporary Accommodation Group on the Love Lane estate, and Tottenham Businesses Group on the Peacock Estate to oppose the threat of demolitions in High Road West and to fight for their rights. 

Next Our Tottenham coordination meeting:   Thursday 3rd September, 7.30pm by zoom. Dave to set it up again.


Notes from coordination meeting:  21 November 2019 at Kitapevi / Garden House cafe

In attendance:  Dave K (StArt), Pamela H (Sustainable Haringey), Jasmine T (Friends of Marcus Garvey Library), Martin B (Friends of Down Lane Park), Paul B and Gary K (Haringey Defend Council Housing), Shirley H and Sue P (Wards Corner Coalition), Dave (Friends of Lordship Rec, and various networks HFRA, HFoPF, HCCN)      Apologies: Mark P (Researcher),

1.  Brief local updates/summaries from the groups present:

StArt    A well attended AGM. Frustration over lack of support from GLA and Council for the community plan for the ex-hospital site. Internal stresses and strains within StArt.

Latin Market / Ward’s Corner   Are promoting their revised Community Plan and calling for support from the Council. A special Scrutiny Cttee of the Council has largely backed the traders and community and the recommendations are going to the full LBH Scrutiny Cttee next week. The Labour Group of Councillors is also backing the local campaign.

Friends of Marcus Garvey Library  Jasmine outlined the issues with the children’s garden at the back of the premises.  They want the whole space back, and volunteers may be able to restore it. They also want a staffed reception desk in the children’s area of the library.

Spurs and High Rd West   Mark and Amanda reported (by email) that they aim to do a follow up next year to their well-received graphic book.  Local complaints continue, related to Event Days which dominate the north of Tottenham for the whole day. The Love Lane Temporary Accommodation Group continue to campaign, and recently got more national publicity. The estate ballot re demolition or not has been postponed as the Council doesn’t have the money to move ahead with their controversial plans. Meanwhile spurs have now bought up 35% of the High Rd West area, no doubt wanting to gentrify it all – the Tottenham Business Group on the Peacocvk estate continue to fight back.

Tottenham Hale   Lots of horrendous tower blocks going up, causing dangerous lorry movements.

Selby Trust   Are working in partnership with the Council to develop their site. They have successfully lobbied over the last couple of years to achieve a purpose-built new centre to house all the existing groups occupying the current site. But what type of housing will also be built and what about Bull Lane green space? Selby have been holding meetings around Tottenham seeking feedback on the future of the site.

2.   Wider updates

Haringey Defend Council Housing  Campaigning continues over defending estates still under threat, and Council seems to be changing its previous demolition policies. But one estate Woodside Ave still being threatened have made a 5,000-strong protest petition.   Concern over planning officers allowing ‘poor doors’ on the new Altitude Estate.  Also Pamela expressed concern over planning officers failure to ensure all new homes reach the zero-carbon standard.

Haringey Community Centres Network  Reconvened over the summer to respond to an internal review Council officers have been conducting into their policies regarding support for community centres and the voluntary sector generally.  The policies brought in 5 years ago (to increaser rents to market levels, and only 5 year leases etc) were highly controversial, unpopular and as expected totally impractical for community centres. It turns out that many centres refused to sign such contracts. Now the Council have agreed they should be listening to and working with the sector. HCCN have set up a sub group who have held a couple of constructive meetings with the relevant Council officers.

Haringey Federation of Residents Associations  After a quiet couple of years for the HFRA, a meeting in September brought 13 associations together for an excellent meeting re housing, planning, public services, local reports etc. 

Haringey Friends of Parks Forum   Continue their well-attended bi-monthly meetings. Pursuing a petition calling for more resources for the underfunded and understaffed parks service.  This has been demonstrated by the service having to put in a lot of extra resources in to maintain their 22 Green Flag parks accreditation.  Also joint meetings with Council officers to develop a new 15 years strategy for parks.

Extinction Rebellion / Climate Change:  Local events in 7-8 September a success, ending with 500-strong march/procession from Turnpike Lane to Finsbury Park. There was a Haringey contingent helping organise the occupation of Trafalgar Square and surrounding streets in October. Council declared a climate emergency last March and are preparing an Action Plan by the end of the year.  Sustainable Haringey continues as an informal network. Next Climate Strike day is Friday 29th Nov, with gathering/rally at Wood Green Library, 12.30pm.

London Plan and Just Space  The Inspector has now produced a report on the draft London Plan. Fails to challenge the developer-led approach, but some criticism of handing over housing space standards to developers. Some other small concessions were achieved during the hearings (which a couple of us took part in). Just Space network is holding a meeting Friday 22nd Nov to review what was achieved by community groups lobbying and collaborating during the hearings.  Just Space members (like the Our Tottenham network, Wards Corner etc) have had some expert support from planning students – now people are talking about how to get the most of what is sometimes a difficult and time-consuming collaboration.

3.   Other

London Mayor’s Public Question Time  In Wood Green in January. We agreed to encourage people to come and lobby and raise a range of issues.

Freedom of Information Act requests.  Council often seem to be failing to reply to requests for info for ages. Also want people to go through a convoluted method. This will be investigated and questioned.

Next Meetings  Maybe a meeting in mid Jan to discuss the the Mayor’s Question Time. Next full Coordination Meeting on Thurs Feb 20th

STarT produce Community Masterplan for St Anns Site

We’re delighted to announce the publication of our Masterplan for the St Ann’s site, titled Our Vision Takes Shape.

This document is the result of a two year campaign, involving eight consultations and surveys with the Haringey community, a successful crowdfunder, and work with architects from 6a and Maccreanor Lavington. The Masterplan sets out our vision for the St Ann’s site, including the following aims:

  • To provide 100% genuinely affordable, secure, good quality homes for people who really need them.
  • To build a physically and socially sustainable community integrated with the natural environment of the site
  • To provide health, wellbeing and new integrated health services
  • To build community and retail spaces that provide opportunities for a vibrant and participatory community.

Commenting on the Masterplan, Kathryn Medien from StART said: ‘This Masterplan is StART’s statement of intent. It shows that the community is best placed to define the shape of housing in London and provide a viable grassroots alternative to the current housing crisis.’

March & Demonstration against HGV contract to Lend Lease – Mon 3rd July 2017

Update from the Stop HGV Campaign

The March and Demonstration will now happen on

Monday 3rd July 2017
5.30pm – 6pm Assemble at Ducketts Common Turnpike Lane
6pm March along Wood Green High Road to Wood Green Civic Centre
6.30pm Rally outside Wood Green Civic Centre to Protest against the Cabinet meeting where a decision is being made whether to award the HDV contract to Lend Lease.

Bring your pots, pans and wooden spoons to make as much noise as possible in protest.

This is decision day so it is important we get as many people as possible to protest against the decision. We will be advertising leafletting sessions from next week onwards to spread the message.

Legal case and Fundraising

The legal action is still going ahead, However Haringey Council have written to the Legal Aid Board trying to stop Legal Aid being awarded. This is currently being appealed, but if this fails we need to raise £20,000 ourselves to pay for the action. We currently have 75% of this amount.

We need a final push to get us to the target in order to seek the Judicial revue that our lawyers say we have a strong chance of winning.

Please help by contributing to and sharing our latest Crowdfunding appeal at

We are also putting on a fund-raiser after the Rally on 3rd July across the road from the Civic Centre at :

8 pm 3rd July 2017
Wood Green Social Club
3-4 Stuart Crescent,
N22 5NJ

We will have bands poetry and Comedy. Further detail will be posted in the near future as we finalise details.

The STOP HGV campaign


– No to evictions and demolitions!
– Yes to renovation via the Community Plan!

The Big Hug at Seven Sisters Market at Wards Corner in Tottenham on Sat 8th April was a resounding success. A huge crowd of over a thousand turned up to hear about the threat of demolition to this site and the possible loss of the the Indoor Market. This site is currently facing a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) from Haringey Council and the developer, Grainger. This is due to be heard on 11th July this year.

Over 2,000 people have objected to the CPO. Though Grainger are obliged to rehouse the market, the fear is that they will be priced out of the new development. And this promise does not help the rest of the occupants of this site, many who have had their lives blighted and have faced eviction with no offer of rehousing. The last years have been uncertain for a group of people who have faced persecution in their own countries and hoped to find refuge here in London. Sadly they have been badly let down for the last eight years. This is a shocking thing to do to such a vulnerable community.

But despite this, the market put on a display of music and dancing that showed such hope and optimism, that it couldn’t fail to raise the spirits of everyone there, and the audience responded with rapturous applause. It was a timely reminder of what we have been fighting for. Tottenham has shown, once again, what they feel about the desecration of their community by developers. The Seven Sisters Market is the second largest concentration of Latin American businesses in the UK and also serves an important cultural centre for this community.

The campaign is in urgent need of funds to pay for the legal costs of the CPO hearing, and have set up a crowd funding page for this purpose., Tottenham is now facing an even greater threat from the proposed Haringey Council’s Development Vehicle (HDV), locally known as the Haringey Demolition Vehicle. This proposal joins forces with the discredited company, Lendlease and will destroy much needed council housing on an unprecedented scale. The council’s pursuit of this insane proposal has met with incredulous disbelief. The leaders of Haringey Council should be protecting their communities. Instead they are letting them down at every turn.

Parkside Malvern Residents Association: The Future of Wood Green?

Parkside Malvern Residents Association General Meeting on Wednesday 26 April 2017

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the PMRA  letter dated March 2017 sent in response to the Wood Green Area Action Plan (WGAAP) consultation. There was unanimous support for  the concerns raised in our letter.

Residents shared their confusion about the relationship between the WGAAP and the Haringey Development Vehicle and worried about  the complexity and speed of planned changes.  Fears about the future of the  market hall were voiced in view of rumoured closure. The market and the Mall are seen as, not ideal, but functioning well and suitable for the nature of Wood Green.

People understood  that the WGAAP is a prospectus for property developers rather than a commitment to build homes in ways that  value current and future residents.   It was noted that a model of the imagined future Wood Green has already been displayed at the property developers fair in Cannes. Some people felt that the council was already committed to this model of development and that as residents we are unheard and helpless.

Residents appreciate that the council has a duty to raise revenue and provide more housing and this means changes.  After considering the details of the plan our opposition  can be summed up under two headings.

  1. It is the wrong vision that  cares too little for the welfare of people, and the environment. We envisage investment in improving current housing stock and building new homes that imaginatively retain and improve open space and do not detract from current neighbourhoods.
  2. The vision in the plan is not achievable.  It is over dependent on a gamble on the building of Crossrail 2  in the centre of Wood Green. We do not believe that Wood Green, could, or should be a rival to Westfield style centres. We believe the plan is inappropriately ambitious and will result in turning Wood Green into a building site for 20 years by which time it will be seen as a white elephant.

The meeting concluded with full endorsement of our letter of objection. We urge the council to withdraw the plan and think again.

Next General Meeting on Wednesday 31 May 2017.  This will be a Hustings ie a meeting to put our questions to the parliamentary candidates who seek our vote on election day on 8 June.

Everyone welcome.