The Council has announced the following proposals for Lawrence Road N15
Proposal: 45-63 Lawrence Road: Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide one interconnected new building ranging from the to seven storeys in height which includes a recessed top floor comprising 80 residential units (use class C3) and 566sqm of commercial floor space (Use class B1/A2) on ground and first floor level, including 17 car parking spaces and associated works.
Proposal: 67 Lawrence Road: Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a 7 storey building fronting Lawrence Road which includes a recessed top floor and four storey mews block to the rear, comprising 69 residential units (use class C3) and seven live work units on ground and first floor level, including 14 car parking spaces and associated works.
2 Development Management Forum meetings – open to all – will be held at West Green Baptist Church, 182-184 West Green Road, Tottenham N15 5AF (access to meeting room via Dorset Road N15).
a) one on Thurs 30 June for 50-56 Lawrence Road and
b) one on Mon 4 July for 45-63 and 67 Lawrence Road.
The redevelopment of Lawrence Road has been discussed and planned for at least the last 10 years. The views of residents and residents’ groups, and indeed the content of most of the actual official planning policies, have unfortunately been sidelined and ignored.
For the record, here’s a summary compiled in June 2007 of residents’ views and opportunities regarding the Lawrence Road area, which if adopted would have improved the area for the benefit of local people… People can and must, of course, continue to campaign for protection and positive improvements to our neighbourhoods. Victories are still being achieved where there are strong and active local grassroots organisations and campaigns. In any case, the long-term building up of our collective voices and activities is in itself a real achievement in the face of the current ‘top down’ and unaccountable Council and corporate power.
Lawrence Rd development site opportunities
– June 2007
Introduction There is a consultation in progress about the future of Lawrence Road – currently a huge and neglected industrial site which has now been earmarked for ‘mixed use’. This is a unique chance to improve a large area in the centre of residential Tottenham. Hence it is vital that people in Tottenham as a whole, especially in the local communities around the area, speak out loud and strong with their views on how Lawrence Road should be turned into a street with facilities and an environment that benefits the community – an area everyone can be proud of!
Past successes It is worth noting that local residents’ and residents associations in the area (especially the Clyde Area RA) recently campaigned together to save the popular Fountain Pub in West Green Rd, opposite the end of Lawrence Rd, from being demolished and turned into yet another block of flats. Originally the Planning Dept held a public meeting for local residents about that proposal, asking for people’s views on the design of the replacement flats. However, everyone at that meeting insisted the pub must be saved – they demanded the Council reject the application but were told by planning officers that it would be ‘impossible’ to save the pub.
However after a long campaign of lobbying, petitions, protests and publicity, and attendance at Planning meetings and appeals, residents won!
At another, similar planning meeting a year ago a bit further afield residents were told by planning officers that it would be impossible to insist on a new entrance into Chestnuts Park through a new factory-site development. However after strenuous lobbying by residents and the local Friends of Chestnuts Park at various planning hearings and appeals, the entrance has finally been agreed. Continue reading →