Post Conference Meeting: The Next Steps

The Next Steps
Thursday 23rd October, 6.30pm
@ 639b High Road, N17

75 people from 37 local organisations attended our ‘Moving Forward Together’ conference on October 11th, and there were some excellent discussions. A summary will be circulated shortly. The conference was the culmination of an action-packed Tottenham Community Empowerment Week which involved and engaged a lot of people around a whole range of events and issues throughout the area.

This important next meeting will discuss and review the conference and Empowerment Week, collect together all the notes (and anecdotes!) – and sort out the next steps for Our Tottenham as a whole and for the various Working Groups and initiatives we are involved with. We want to stand up for the interests of the peoples of Tottenham and to do that effectively we need you!

All welcome. It would be great if one or two people could attend from every supporting group…

Together we can…
– defend and extend our community-run spaces!
– protect our Council estates: no to demolitions, yes to improvements!
– defend small, local businesses: save our industrial zones under threat!
– create and implement Community Plans!
– save Tottenham’s heritage and character!
– give our youth a future!

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