Teach-in on the crisis in social care in Haringey

SOCIAL CARE ALLIANCE HARINGEY (SCAH) invites you to a teach-in on the crisis in Social Care in Haringey.

The event will be held at Commerce Road Community Centre, N22 8EE
10:30am to 5pm, on Saturday MAY 13
th 2017.

Further details are in the pdf file attached – or below just in case your system doesn’t like attachments.Directions, parking – see Eventbrite site https://www.eventbrite.com/e/haringeys-social-care-crisis-tickets-

Printed leaflets also available– please e-mail or phone us if you can use some. Contact: Doug Sager; socialcareallianceharingey@gmail.com: 07828 188 984.

SCAH is an ‘umbrella’ group supporting all organisations involved with/receiving social care. We are organising this meeting in collaboration with the Haringey group of Keep our NHS Public (formerly Haringey 38 Degrees).

Over the last few years, social care has suffered big cuts. Several scandals have shown that users’ needs in Haringey are not being properly met. Day centres have closed with, as yet, no very clear picture about the alternative provision. Nationally the government is attempting to ‘transform’ the NHS to make it more basedon early prevention, less based on hospitals, more on swift discharge and ‘care in the community’. The plans propose much closer joint working between Councils and the NHS, and a shift from hospital care to care at home. But all this is being done with far less money. How should those who need care, or who provide care,respond?

We cannot wait for the economy or the government to get better. We need solutions NOW to make the most of the budgets the Council and the NHS have. Can the community suggest better ways of doing things? And what can we learn from other areas about how Haringey’s services could be improved?

Come and listen, ask questions, discuss with:-

Belinda Schwehr, legal expert on care legislation;
Dot Gibson, National Pensioners’ Convention,
Gordon Peters, former head of Social Services in Hackney,
Mary Langan, former lecturer in social work at the Open University, now consultant there and also activist in Save Autism Services Haringey (SASH)
Merril Hammer, activist in Health Campaigns Together and the Save Our Hospitals (Hammersmith and Charing Cross) Campaign

.. . and other local activists who have engaged in consultations and lobbying of the Council and the CCG for some time.



Book your place: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/haringeys-social-care-crisis-tickets-. Or just turn up!

SCAH encourages all non-commercial organisations in Haringey concerned with social care: community groups, charities, community centres, lunch club providers, carers’ groups and
support groups – to join us. Contact Doug Sager as above.

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