Tuesday 13 October, 18:30-20:30  (6.30-8.30pm)

@ Tottenham’s Living Room, 639 Entreprise Centre, 639 High Road N17
Organised by the Our Tottenham Planning Policy Working Group

18:30: Public information meeting: update on the consultation process about the revision of the Haringey Local Plan
19:30: Coordination of responses and action plan ahead of the next consultation on the Local Plan: how can we object and respond to the proposals which might negatively affect existing communities and businesses in Tottenham?

Haringey Council is currently in the process of updating the Local Plan which will define the future development of the Borough and of Tottenham. The Local Plan is made up of a series of planning documents that together form an overall set of rules. The council’s Planning Committee must normally take these rules into account when making planning decisions on things like new homes, shops and other facilities. This is why such documents are very important as they will guide much of the development that will happen in the next decade!

Two documents are particularly important: the Tottenham Area Action Plan and the Site Allocations Development Plan Document. They set out the location, scale, guiding principles and timeframe for new developments on dozens of strategic sites in the Borough. Many of the proposals affect sites with existing viable uses, housing, shops, businesses or community facilities which could be displaced in the process.

The Council carried out a public consultation on the draft Local Plan documents in February-March 2015. The Our Tottenham Planning Policy Working Group submitted several responses, here:

In total several hundreds of responses were sent to the Council by individuals and organisations. which can be viewed at:

The Council has now analysed all the representations received and reported to the Council’s Regulatory Committee on Monday 21 September, presenting the following document: Draft Local Responses and Officers’ comments$LocalPlanSept20151435pm.docx.pdf

On that basis the Council is now preparing a set of amended “Proposed Submission” documents. These documents will be presented to the Cabinet meeting of 20 October and Council Meeting of 23 November for approval. See:

There will be a further round of public consultation on these documents in December-January.  This will then be followed by an Examination in Public of the documents led by a Planning Inspector.  This will be based on the legality and soundness of the documents, and will focus on the issues raised at the consultation.

The responses people submitted last time had some impact – for example the ‘red zone’ threat to the open space of the Lordship Rec (in the Site Allocation DPD under no. SA63) was abandoned due to the volume of objections.

HOWEVER, many of the responses and objections made by the Our Tottenham network and affiliate groups and other community organisations in Haringey and Tottenham are not going to be reflected into the new revised documents.

We need to mobilise and prepare strong responses to the next round of consultation to make the voice of existing residents and businesses in Tottenham heard! It is really important that local residents have a voice in the consultation process as these documents will define the future nature of the developments which the Council will prioritize and give planning permission to in these areas.

Come along to this Planning Workshop to find out more about that process and how to mobilise!

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