Wednesday 22nd October 2014
Chestnuts Community Centre and Community Arts
St Anne’s Road, Tottenham, N15
A number of us recently held a very well attended ‘celebrating and defending our community centres session’, as part of the Our Tottenham, Community Empowerment Week.
At this meeting it was agreed to explore the establishment of a Tottenham wide network to support the development of community centres in the area including those under threat.
I am therefore inviting you to a meeting to discuss this idea further on:
Wednesday 22nd October 2014
Chestnuts Community Centre and Community Arts
St Anne’s Road, Tottenham, N15
The meeting will also consider what action is necessary to stop the expulsion of 28 user groups from Chestnuts on 31st December 2014.
A recent meeting of users agreed that they would like to try and create an alternative model to the Council’s current plans for the centre’s closure. Please come along and give support. If a new organisation is to be established it will need skills in administration, social media, campaigning, lobbying, as well as strategy, planning and financial management.
We will also be seeking donations from £1 upwards so that the new organisation can open a bank account to support the campaign.
Please spread this information via your own networks.